It all begins with an idea.

I prefer not to be graded in cooking.

Artistic endeavors should be examined and contemplated by the individual who is indulging and then their perspective is primarily theirs. Everyone will not like everything. We have been blessed with the ability of distinction and personal taste.

I also don’t like to give recipes in the form of directions. I’m more of “here’s your foundation, take it to what you want.” Some of us do need step by step instructions and that’s ok. Then there are those of us who can take the ball and run with it. I love to run with it.

You need to try this game I play. Go to the refrigerator and close your eyes. Pick out five items from different shelves. Place them on your kitchen counter and tell yourself that you have to make a palatable meal with these items. Let your creative juices flow (pardon the pun) and see what you come up with.

If the first five items don’t work for you, try five others but have fun with it. You may surprise yourself. I get a self-gratification unlike any other when I do this, even at work in the restaurant.

Maybe you can just find what’s fun for you and add food to it. Life here is not infinite, so you should try to enjoy as much as you can. I enjoy cooking and anything that has to do with it. I don’t have secret recipes. They are open for all to enjoy, because you should, and I owe it to myself to share my joy. Feel free to reciprocate.

Barclay Thompson.

Excerpt from the 2019 BBTG article